Scott Pet wanted to extend awareness of the Pork Chomps brand and educate consumers about the dangers posed by their chief competitor-rawhide chews. Based on a deep dive into customer insight, PLAID deciphered it was critical that the brand have an authoritative voice to educate dog owners and convert them into Pork Chomp customers.
PLAID developed an expansive omni-channel six-month approach, promoting Pork Chomps across many mediums, with a singular focus on demographic reach. PLAID leveraged TV and radio advertisements, as well as digital media buys that used a hyper focused message with an authoritative spokesperson, education materials, and a call to immediately modify behavior.

“After launching our commercial, we grew in two months to the number 2 brand in our category nationwide and tripled our product sales. PLAID really became a member of our team by investing the time needed to learn our brand and messaging, working with our unique culture and providing professional guidance in decision-making. THE PLAID AGENCY’s motto is “Whatever It Takes.” I can honestly say, based on our experience, they absolutely make every effort to live up to this statement.”